Therapy Honey

Therapy Honey

For thousands of years, honey has been known as a source of energy drinks that are effective as medication. What are the advantages and all the diseases that can be treated with honey ?
Therapy Honey

In medicine, honey is not classified as a dr*g. Honey is classified only as a supplement or a health drink. Therefore, physicians who prescribe rare honey for the patient. But the unique, literature and ancient writings that actually mentions honey as a healthy drink that has efficacy as medicine.

For example, Al Quran Surah An Nahl ( The Bee ) paragraph 69 states that " In the stomach of the bee on glass ( honey ) that a variety of colors. In which there is healing for human. "

Honey is also known to have efficacy as a medicine in Ayurvedic books were among others to cope with lung disease. Although Aristotle (350 BC) in his book Historia Animaliu write that good white honey to treat sore eyes and Celsius, a Roman physician always gives honey for patients with diarrhea due to the effects of the bacterial content of nutrients and digestible.

Specialty of Honey

Honey is a sweet liquid derived from plant nectar produced by bees. Nectar is a complex compound produced in the interest of necteriffier glands. Liquid, the naturally sweet taste with a delicate aroma. Nectar contains water (50-90 percent ), glucose, fructose, sucrose, proteins, amino acids, carotene, vitamins and oils, as well as essential minerals.

How honey therapeutic effect ? The content of the nutritional value ( see box) and the change in the composition of the substances that make honey was effective as therapy. One of the most important is the antibiotic substances to fight against a variety of pathogens, such as the results of research Peter C Molan (1992), Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikato , New Zealand .

Experts suspect, antibacterial substances honey arise due to the osmotic effect that comes from the high sugar content of honey, about 84 percent water content is only about 15 percent. At least the water content in honey interact with the sugar in honey makes the bacteria can not live. As there is no bacteria that can live in the mean water level is below 17 percent.

Another feature is the honey acid with a pH between 3.2-4.5 such that sufficient to inhibit the growth of bacteria that tend to multiply at a pH of 7.2 to 7.4. Honey can also increase cell division of lymphocytes that play a role in the formation of white blood cells in the body, so effective for improving body immunity..

However Aristotle said, honey certain areas and seasons can treat certain diseases. This means that the antibacterial effect of honey depends on the nectar source. Meanwhile, the National Council of honey in 2005, reported that a dark honey color like manuka honey and buckwheat honey varieties, showed that higher levels of antioxidants than light honey color levels as honey acacia or clover .

Some of the things that makes the antibacterial effect of honey varies is the amount of hydrogen peroxide and non - peroxide and vitamin C, the metal ions, the enzyme catalase, honey and resistance temperature and the enzyme sensitivity to light. Because that, there are experts who say that the honey antibacterial effects is best achieved by the application ( topical), and in general would be less effective if it is mixed with ' other substances or diluted. Despite this, recent research suggests that the antibacterial effect of honey is also effective when ingested, such as gastrointestinal infection or stomach ulcers.

For upset stomach, honey has been proven to help stimulate the sensory nerves release substance stomach wall molecular description of the results of protein ( ie peptides) to increase blood flow to the mucosa of the stomach to protect the stomach against damage.