The Origin of Methylglyoxal New Zealand Manuka Honey
Manuka honey flowers often have antibacterial activity formerly known as UMF, which is not associated with compounds of hydrogen peroxide, ie compounds in honey - honey antibacterial another. Single Aktfitas, manuka honey is known to be caused by compounds called metylglyoksal. Meanwhile, could not be determined on the origin of these compounds, although manuka honey has long been known by beekeepers that metilglioksal content and antibacterial activity of manuka honey has increased during the storage. Metylglyoksal might formed by enzymatic or chemical reactions. Metylglyoksal and relationship with glucose metabolism has been the subject of current research. Various enzymatic pathways end of establishment and non-enzymatic triggering the formation and degradation of living tissue metylglyoksal.
Formation of non - enzymatic triose compounds (a form of sugar) metylglyoksal studied since the mid-20th century. Non-enzymatic transformation kinetics triose catalyzed (accelerated reaction) under acidic conditions was studied and showed that with acid catalysts, the D, L-glyceraldehyde and dehidroksiasetone dehydrated (loss of water) turns into metylglyoksal with reactions without being able to come back again (irreversible).
Polyvalent anion (OH- ions much ), including phosphate is thought to be the conversion dehidroxyaseton metilglioksal catalyst, but it is still questionable due to the fact metylglyoksal production by derivatives of procedures used in the detection of doubt.
Metylglyoksal allegedly An intermediate compound in the Maillard reaction between acetone and the amino acid glycine dehidroksi. It is also an indication that the possibility of forming intermediate compounds between dehidroksiaseton metylglyoksal and other amino acids and proteins. Also the non-enzymatic conversion of the above, may also be formed metylglyoksal by dehidroksiaseton -phosphate under acidic conditions with catalysts amino metylglyoksal synthase enzyme.
Nine samples of manuka honey obtained from various places, obtained shortly after the comb honey stored by bees and honey before the maturation period in a long time happened. Metylglyoksal found in very small quantities ( 139-491 mg / kg of honey) in fresh honey, but dehidroksiaseton ( 1192-5099 mg / kg of honey) are found in abundance in all the various samples. During storage at a temperature of 37 ° C, the content dehidroksi acetone decreased while increasing metylglyoksal.
Dehidroksiaseton when added to clover honey, and stored at a temperature of 37 ° C, and reduces the formation dehidroksiaseton metylglyoksal honey. The lack of balance between the two curves is dehidroksiaseton suspected adverse reactions that produce other compounds such as glycolic acid, which further reaction occurs in the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, metylglyoksal consumed by the reaction with hydrogen peroxide or a protein.
Also tested on experience to create artificial honey with a certain amount of glucose, sucrose and fructose, with a pH of 3.8, and then added dehidroksi acetone in an amount equal to that contained in manuka honey, and the result after storage known, DHA becomes metylglyoksal but the speed is smaller than the reaction with clover honey.
From this it is known that in the complex matrix of natural honey, there is a possibility that appears is the catalyst or reaction involving the amino compounds. Expected of a reversible reaction that changes slightly metylglyoksal be dehidroksiaseton presence. The same addition of D, L gliseraldehide on clover honey product metylglyoksal training at a comparable rate to the addition dehidroksiaseton but lack dehidroksiaseton formed. This is consistent with previous observations that states that no isomerization of triose same on both acidic media. Meaning : D, L Gliseraldehide not present in fresh honey.
When dehidroksiaseton added clover honey with the amino acids glycine and arginine, so that the amino acid content of 0.62 %, is formed and metylglyoksal formation of the reaction is much faster than if dehidroksiaseton added alone without amino acids, and then gradually decreases dehidroksiaseton. The reaction rate increases as the content of amino acid was added to 2.5%. The presence of amino acids or proteins and accelerate dehidroksiaseton conversion reaction are metylglyoksal.
Because dehidroksiaseton conversion reaction is metylglyoksal non-enzymatic reaction, there is a strong presumption that global warming may increase the rate of reaction. However, after heating at temperatures above 50 ° C from apparently losing dehidroksiaseton metylglyoksal temperatures during incubation with a 37 ° C temperature . He also followed increased 10 times hidroksimetilfurfural compounds strongly in the experiment.
Sample obtained by washing the nectar of manuka flowers with water. Obtained some manuka flowers in Hamilton and the Waikato region. All dehidroksiaseton contains manuka flowers, but the kind of pink that most dehidroksiaseton is equal to 13,600 mg / kg. No flowers that contain manuka metylglyoksal.
In this research note that there are different contents dehidroksiaseton in the nectar of flowers, and a tree can produce manuka manuka honey with a high non-peroxide antibacterial, while others do not. Therefore, in the future, there will be the possibility of selective breeding that produces a tree that has a high content of dehidroksiasetoon nectar.