Components, Benefits, How To Use Honey
Honey is not a new thing, when we talk about issues of beekeeping products , and it is not the sweet taste brownish yellow liquid , but a value high nutritional , complete and balanced . Nutritional content varies depending on the origin / source of nectar. However, with honey is a natural liquid nutritional value remains as long as the correct and proper treatment.
Several studies have shown that honey is subjected to a process of filtration , purification , will lose about 33-55 % of its nutrient content. Then emphasize that raw honey (untreated) which do not undergo any process , is a type of honey that has good nutritional value.
Honey has about 80 different substances , it is important to respond to human nutrition. And the results of chemical analysis according to " American Honey Institute " shows that honey contains :
> 17.1 % Water
> 40.5 % fructose ( levulose )
> 34.0 % glucose (dextrose )
> 1.9 % sucrose
> 1.5% and dextrin gum
> 0.18% Vitamineral
> Substance 4.22% of the unknown
One tablespoon of honey contains about 21 calories.
Types of sugars in honey, according to the results of the chemical analysis, it was clear that fructose and glucose is a type of sugar that monosacharida readily absorbed in the intestine without the need to solve process , even in the management medical glucose often injected directly into the bloodstream , it indicates that glucose is a compound that is in accordance with the existing system in the human body . Unlike sugar, which is a type of sugar disacharida can not be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, it must first be broken down into monosacharida in the small intestine .
Various existing Vitamineral in honey, namely vitamin A, beta- carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin C , D, E and K. With mineral eg magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium, chlorine, potassium, iodine, copper, sodium, and manganese.
In addition to the above content , raw honey also contains an important enzyme enzyme to facilitate chemical reactions and various metabolic ( selulair ) , proteins , organic acids , hormones and effective antimicrobial compounds antibiotics.
Additional unknown substance in honey, but still can not be explained scientifically, but it has a high level of security in the human body .
In addition to maintaining overall health, honey can also be added to the treatment of various diseases that primarily attacks the respiratory system. Honey with compounds implies that the complete nutrition, of course, to our body of work has a flat and balanced . Is it a directly stimulating properties ie, improve appetite, help digestion process other foods.
Honey can work directly affect the system of the body 's defense ( immune system ), the system of formation of red blood cells , such as the neutralization of toxins in the body, and more effective than antibiotics .
Honey has emollient properties as an emulsion. Due to the nature and power of work on almost all systems of the body, it is not surprising that honey can be more effective in maintaining health and preventing disease, as well as help in healing various diseases, in particular cases, such as hypertension, heart failure, anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract infections, urinary disorders, central nervous system and the health of the skin.
Five types of honey in the world :
Sidr honey is the best honey in the world in addition to including the world's most expensive honey. Since honey is only produced twice a year and comes from the mountains of Hadramaut in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The production period is in progress for more than 7000 years. This honey comes from bees sacred tree called Sidr .
Beech honeydew , two species of beetles from New Zealand who live in the red and black beech trees produce a sugar-rich substance called honeydew . Then there is a kind of bees consume these sugars and use it to make honey called honeydew beech. This type of honey is very dark color and thick like porridge . Also more minerals and does not crystallize as much honey in general.
Heather honey is a type of honey produced by bees that feed only Scottish varieties of blooming heather . The honeycomb is very thick, very sweet taste , and can be melted in the mouth when eaten . In Scotland , we can easily buy one of the best honey in the world, but it is very difficult and almost impossible to buy elsewhere.
Hymettus honey of Hymettus near Athens, Greece. This honey has more than 3000 years ago as one of the best honey in the world . Hymettus mountain is the bees make honey who eat a type of flower that is like the flower of thyme. Honeycomb produced by bees is very thin and has dark spots inside . Famous Greeks often eat in a way versa on yogurt for dessert.
Manuka honey is beneficial for the treatment of skin burns , diseases and other gastrointestinal disorders. This honey comes from the Manuka bush flowers found in New Zealand . This dark honey color but delicious and sweet taste. Because the benefits are enormous, Manuka honey to be one of the best honey in the world .
How to use honey as a medicine outside:
New or sores / infections old : Wash the wound with warm water , then apply honey on the wound.
Burned , scalded / objects exposed to heat : Use as an ointment .
Tighten and smooth the skin , remove acne and dark spots : wash your face after bath and then apply honey and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water .
Tip: Take a few leaves of young whiting + honey pepper to taste, crushed and then applied to boils.
Itching of insect bites, bee hives or : use as an ointment.
How to use honey as a medicine in :
Constipation: 1 cup cold water + 2 tablespoons of pure honey .
Fever, heartburn and ulcers : 1 day to drink 3x @ 1 tablespoon of honey.
Stress and tension mind : 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Chapped lips : 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Anemia, weakness and fatigue : 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Ulcer , liver and typhus : Week one day drink 2x, @ 1 tablespoon of honey, then: 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Injuries , stomach and intestine 12 fingers , cough and sore throat common one day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Coughing up blood , bronchitis and tuberculosis : 2 days drink 1/ 3 cup honey before bedtime.
Back pain : 1 day to drink 2x, @ 3 tablespoons of honey.
Cold : drink 1/ 3 cup honey.
Feed the heart , kidneys , liver , nerves and bone building : 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
While the eyes are brighter : 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Strengthens the immune system : 1 day to drink 2x, @ 3 tablespoons milk + honey.
That healthy and intelligent children: 1 day to drink 2x, @ 2 tablespoons milk + honey child . If diarrhea drinks piecemeal .
Keep always melodious voice : 1 day to drink 2x, 2 tablespoons honey @ + lemon juice to taste.
Strengthen the uterus and the fetus : 1 day to drink 3x @ 2 tablespoons honey.
Children under 1 year should not have a glass of honey.
In general, people are not used to drinking honey, the initial reaction of diarrhea diarrhea, but it will disappear by itself .
For people who are sick, usually seem to grow sick after drinking honey. This is a common reaction , after which the state will improve.
Honey benefits will be felt after drinking regularly for 2 weeks.