Benefits of Honey: What You Don’t Know
Chinese medical experts believe that honey can warm the body in the symptoms of dry air , pain relief , neutralize toxins, commonly used to treat heartburn , indigestion , dry cough and lung dry , dry bowel disease and constipation.
Modern medical research has proved that honey contains glucose, vitamins, as well as phosphorus, calcium, can help the function of the nervous system, which controls appetite and helps increase fast asleep. Before going to bed drink 10-20 ml of honey mixed with warm water every day, not only invigorating the spleen and stomach, reconstitution Qi and blood, calms the nerves and so on .
Ronald Stram , MD, director of the Center for Integrative Health and Healing in Delmar, New York, on the myths and answer the allegations circulating in the community about honey :
Claim : Honey cure sinusitis.
Evidence: A Canadian study found that honey is more effective in killing bacteria in the laboratory, rather than antibiotics.
So, is it true?
No, it has not been established, to prove that the work of honey sinus healing, antibiotics are always an option.
Claim : Honey Making burns heal faster.
Proof: The same study found that honey burr to help heal burns up to 5 days earlier.
So, is it true?
For minor burns, yes (for severe burns have worn with your doctor). Use honey types of medicine, such as Manuka honey, found in health food stores .
Claims: Stop annoying cough.
The evidence : a study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found that eating a teaspoon of honey before bed is better than medicine against cough.
So, is it true?
Yes, and you can give to children aged 1 year ( infants less than one year should not be given honey).