Manuka honey Able Fight Super Germs
Super germs or bacteria ( superbugs ) are highly resistant to antibiotics are becoming increasingly prevalent in a number of countries. Scientists have found a way to overcome it with Manuka honey, honey bees feed on the Manuka tree New Zealand.
Superbugs have become a new threat because so far no drug that can fight. This superbug allegedly arises due to the excessive use of antibiotics and out of control in the medical world today.
Because there is no drug that can fight if people are exposed to these superbugs then his life would be threatened .
Scientists have shown that manuka honey can be used to fight infections that are resistant to the most powerful antibiotics ( superbug ) .
Laboratory experiments showed manuka honey can break the defense of bacteria that may be useful in treating superbug infections such as MRSA vicious. The results of this study were presented at the meeting of the Society for General Microbiology.
Professor Rose Cooper from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff found variations of bees foraging on the manuka tree in New Zealand manuka honey named . This honey is effective against bacterial infections.
Manuka honey has been used to treat wounds in the world to filter and remove waste contained therein . For centuries , people have known the antiseptic power of honey.
Professor Cooper studies using three different types of bacteria that are resistant to various antibiotics , including Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Group A streptococci and methicillin-resistant (MRSA ) . Found that manuka honey can prevent the entry of bacteria into the tissues is an important step in the initiation of acute infections.
If manuka honey can prevent bacteria entering the network, then it will hinder the formation of biofilms , which can protect bacteria from antibiotics layer and allows it to be a persistent infection.
Recent laboratory results suggest that manuka honey can make MRSA more sensitive to antibiotics such as oxacillin , this means effectively reversing antibiotic resistance .
"This indicates that existing antibiotics may be more effective against infections that are resistant to the drug when its use in combination with manuka honey , " said Professor Cooper , quoted by BBC News , Friday ( 15/04/2011 ) .
Prof Cooper said the current work is to see an effective combination with antibiotics so they can work in clinical patients . In addition manuka honey is not likely to cause bacteria to become resistant to honey.
" But people should not try at home first by buying honey in supermarkets, because in this study, the use of honey is a medical-grade honey and not bought in stores ," he said.